Free Trial Class:
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10654½ Magnolia Blvd. North Hollywood, CA 91601 (818) 745-9807 email: |
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With your membership, there are no restrictions on the number of your particular classes. Muay Thai America offers unlimited classes that fit your schedule. Compare that with others! No yearly contracts, unless you want one. We want you here only if you want to be here.
It’s sometimes referred to Thai Boxing where the pairs of feet, fist, elbows and knees are used in combat. It is the most effective form of stand-up fighting and combat sport, proven everyday in Thailand.
Instead of running mindlessly on the treadmill, Muay Thai is contact and resistance training, plus serious cardio training. You are constantly hitting something: bags, focus mitts, Thai pads. This type of training is an emotional release as well as developing the mind body and spirit. Fit to Fight, Fight for Fitness.
Unlike other gyms with random instructions, we focus on a systematic approach for Muay Thai. This method was established at the fighting camp of Sor Sakpichit gym in Thailand and Sri Nakharinwirot University in Thailand. This methodical approach combined with the watchful eyes of the trainers will insure knowledge and personal growth in Muay Thai.
Santi Sakkomkai has more than 100 professional fights under his belt. He’s fought the best of the best at the prestigious Yamaha & Magnum tournaments in Bangkok. He was a regularly nationally televised fighter of Channel 7, Lumpini, Omnoi & Rangsit Stadium in Thailand. He holds a BA in Physical Education with an emphasis in Muay Thai.
Coach David Huey has trained many professionals and champions; coached, cornered and travelled with them around the world. But what he's most proud of is changing his student's life; such as helping them quit smoking, having his student lose 100 lbs, gaining a kids' confidence, self discipline and getting them academically back on track.
Whether you want to get in shape, fight, or increase your combative knowledge, we at Muay Thai America will bring out the best in you in a the friendliest, family atmosphere. How confident are we? Take the no obligation free trial and find out.
No. Our motto “Fit to Fight / Fight for Fitness” means our goal is to get you fit by learning fighting techniques. If you chose later to compete, we will make sure you are ready for the ring.
© 2011-2021, Muay Thai America — Martial Arts Fitness Center